9.a.2 – Parking Places

Common goods and open public space: parking places

            Parking is a first-priority issue in neighbourhoods. Today’s need for car parks is much greater than when the neighbourhoods were being built. The residents are thus driven to makeshift parking solutions on lawns, emergency accesses, etc. In the neighbourhoods where parking garages were provisioned but not realised (BS-3, BS-7), their construction must be ensured; elsewhere, solutions for additional parking capacities must be found. Parking on public open surfaces intended for other uses must be banned, prevented, and sanctioned.

            Considering the aspirations for sustainable development and low-carbon society, which also includes a sustainable mode of transport, which means the use of public transport, bicycle or walking to perform daily tasks and the introduction of car sharing. It is also appropriate to consider reducing the number of cars per apartment. A smaller number of cars will also be positively reflected in the reduced need for parking places, the lack of parking places will no longer be such a terrible problem, the situation in the neighbourhoods will improve automatically.
